"Women. Defining our Representation''

Our most recent Art Call has closed.

Our Next Call Will be Announced on Jul 5th.

  • One winner will receive the top $1000 art prize.

  • 30 Artists will be accepted into the online exhibition,

  • and invited to a Live Artists Roundtable on BlackHouseArtist.com.  

Black House Artist is a network dedicated to empowering women artists through exhibition opportunities, professional development, art history education, and creative equality. 

Eligibility: Women Artists worldwide are invited to submit for our exhibitions. 


  • One First Place Prize - $1000 US$

  • 30 pieces selected will be showcased in an online gallery exhibition. (up to 1 year)

  • Live/Recorded Artist Roundtable, consideration for future one-on one-podcast interviews.

  • Social Media Marketing for Winning Pieces

Juror: TBD

Questions:  Contact: Ellen Mattesi, ellen@blackhouseartist.com