Art Talk with Artist, Laura Brody, and Black House Artist

Join Us for a live art talk with artist, curator, educator and activist, Laura Brody. Creator of "Opulent Mobility," she champions individuality and creativity for the disabled. Add in her costume design and textile art, and you have a woman artist whose visionary work is elevating attitudes and expectations.

Time: Jul 6, 2024 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US) on ZOOM

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Meeting ID: 827 0014 2592

Upcoming Online Community Events in 2024

“Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists”

More than 50 years after Linda Nochlin’s Essay, “Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?” does this question still resonate with contemporary women artists? Is it still necessary to dismantle the presumptions of the question? Is there still systemic failure in fostering the creativity of our young girls in a patriarchal dominated canon?

Artist Discussions - Dates TBA

“What Are The Advantages and Disadvantage of Segmented Curation?

While revisionist curation brings new awareness to the unacknowledged artists who were previously omitted from the traditional art canon, curating shows with segmented areas of focus offers visibility and new perspectives of the marginalized. But does this approach also enforce the narrative that the segmented group lacks the capacity for greatness in and of itself? Does this approach continue to bring awareness or breed resistance?

“The Debate of the Route To Success”

What is the best way to succeed in the art market? Is the traditional gallery model still the highest form of success with its rules and powerful gatekeepers? Does self promotion and the entrepreneurial route of selling your own art allow you more control over your business? Are the disadvantages of appearing to be in competition with gallerists going to prevent you from reaching the pinnacle of critical success?