Suzanne Jackson Celebrated at the Whitney Biennial

Suzanne Jackson

The 81st Whitney Museum Biennial in NYC opened on March 20, 2024.  The exhibit, “Even Better Than the Real Thing” curated by two women curators, Chrissie Iles and Meg Onli, brings attention to several up-and-coming artists. 

But while 71 artists are included in the exhibit, one can’t help but celebrate the work  of one woman artist in particular, Suzanne Jackson.  The late career recognition of this octogenarian painter is well deserved.  

Her work for the Biennial consists of large paintings, strung from the ceiling by metal hooks covered in rich colored acrylics, gels, and many types of refuse such as mech, pistachio shells, and shredded paper.  

To read more about Suzanne, I highly recommend the beautifully written piece by Sarah Douglas in Artnews, “Back in the Spotlight, Suzanne Jackson Pushes the Boundaries of What Paint Can Do.” or go to her website, 

Suzanne Jackson - Detail


Cecily Brown’s “Death and the Maid” at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC